On the back of a steady stream of demand we’ve finally built Sapio’s inaugural In-house salary guide for PR & Comms. Salary benchmarks are always a little trickier to tie down on the In-house side given that salaries are more exposed to the value a business puts on its marketing function and one business’s Head of Global Comms may be another’s PR & Comms Manager in terms of the salary they allocate the role.
However, we build our salary guides using data, not opinion, and we hope that this is helpful for clients and candidates alike when trying to benchmark salaries against the market for client-side roles.
Sapio Salary Guides are built by aggregating current available and relevant salary data, across both internal and external sources, to show salary remuneration brackets and market average salaries across all job titles for our core verticals; Corporate, Financial, B2B Tech, Public Affairs, Healthcare. Please be aware that salary brackets are aggregated to the lowest common denominator so as to be inclusive of the far ends of the spectrum, but do not constitute a suggested starting salary for each level.
Should you wish to discuss any of the below info, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Should you wish to find out more about the above salary data, how it translates for your business or discuss how we may be able to support your hiring, please do get in touch.
We always relish the chance to evolve our thinking on Talent best practice and embrace innovation, and so we were front and centre at the Slush stages to listen to contemporary thinking and wisdom from Talent leaders across the Tech and VC market.
Our recent survey of over 125 communications professionals sought to bring objectivity to an all too often subjective question – in this piece we delved a little more into the numbers.